
10 December 2013


What do I want to write now? I have no idea, but I just feel like writing. 

I have 3 brothers and a sister. They are all great in their own way. I can say that, among us, I'm the worst. Haha. I have a kind, responsible and respectable brother who always think about his family. I have a great brother who have an excellent capability in his field. I have a brother who can do many things. And a sister who have a great brain and hardworking. We studied in the same primary school...of course, that is common. Haha.. 

I studied in the same secondary school with my 2nd brother, I never once thought of it as a good thing, however..since we're not close, exactly like strangers. In school, teachers keep on comparing us. Teachers out there should know that sibling do not like to be compared. There's just one good thing. Nobody dare to bother me. I could say that he was liked by many people, and known by most of the students in the school. So, when I entered the school, many seniors come to my class, looking for me, then reminded me, if someone bother me, just tell them, they'll take care of it. But, I hardly ever heard the seniors called me by my name..the called me 'adik _____'.. So, for 2 years, I had peace, because of his existence.,though I didn't really like that fact. 

When I was in Form 3, my brother had graduated from that school. Then, I started being bullied by my classmate, though they're mostly verbal bullying. It was quite the point that I got sick due to stress. For a year, I didn't eat and sleep well. That's how I became anaemic. Haaa, there was a teacher who called me 'Pontianak' in class coz I always looked pale. Haha... I hated those bullies very much. I was glad that they transferred to other school when I was in form 4. However, my only close friend transferred to other school too. Then, school's life started to become awkward. I became a loner. 

Slowly, with the help from the counselling teachers, I started to talk more. I learnt to adapt with the new school's life without my close friend. And make some new friends who's now become irreplaceable friends for me. In the end, I really enjoyed my high school days only when I was in form 4 and form 5. It's such a short period, huh..

When I think about it again, they're all lesson of life...I got into a full-boarding school with full scholarship, but my brother was there too. When  my brother graduated from the school, the bullies intrude into my peaceful life. When those bullies gone, my only close friend went away too. When I just started to enjoy my high school days, I was chosen as one of the school prefects, which i hate so much. Though I hated being one of the MPP, I enjoyed doing my job in BPPS. Don't you think it's interesting? It's just like for every happiness we attain in our life, there's a price for it.

::~Kadang ALLAH sembunyikan mentari, DIA datangkan hujan dan petir. Kita tertanya-tanya ke mana hilangnya mentari, rupa-rupanya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi ~ ::

08 December 2013

Social Networking

Social Networking has become a trend in the 21st century. (Gaya nak buat karangan sekolah punya ayat...). People who didn't use social network  are rare nowadays. Yea, it's too common that even pre-school and elementary school children possess their own social network account, especially Facebook.

The first time i heard of Facebook is when i was in Labuan Matriculation College. I was introduced to it from the negative perspective, in which, social networking makes people become negligent and waste their time for the not beneficial things, forget about their responsibility in life, their role as Muslim. In simple words, it is the main cause of hedonism. I was quite agree with it, and i still do. Well, it's an undeniable fact. Through such medium, Korean wave or american wave or whatever wave there are, easily entered our country, and now, our country spend more and more for entertainment.

I signed up in Facebook for the 1st time when my friend went to further his study to France, and my best friends kept on asking me to create an account so that we can keep in touch. That was in 2009. When I found myself to be addicted to FB and can't really focus studying because of FB, I deactivated the account. I believe many people have experienced the same thing. For example, when we go to the library, the 1st thing we do is browsing our facebook. When there is notification or  someone starts their chat with us, we're distracted and in the end, 70%-80% of our time in library is used to facebook-ing instead of studying and our purpose to go to library is no more for looking for study material, but for its internet access. Sometimes, when we got back from ablution, before solat, when we notice new notification, we'll check it out first before performing our solat. When i realized that, I was quite afraid, and i said to myself, 'this kind of thing can be scary..'. We started to lost our priority in our lives' routine. After about a year without Facebook, I create a new account because it was necessary for co-curicular activity's news. But alhamdulillah, lesson learned, and facebook has become less interesting somehow. 

Facebook has become the center of people's life story. People meeting through facebook and people get divorce because of facebook started to become common. 'Bertemu di mukabuku, ku jatuh hati padamu..', i just don't understand how. People become friends through facebook, and people becomes enemy through the same medium. Love and hatred tangled with each other. Besides, facebook even become the medium of argument, defamation, slander between political parties in Malaysia. While in other way, Facebook can be a medium of knowledge sharing, advices, da'wah, and that's the best ways of using such interactive and sophisticated social network, don't you think? Everyday, when we go through our news feed and read all good posts there, we'll find our day to be cool. Good words give out positivity, right? Then, we can start our days with a positive thinking, and those words become our strength and reminder for the whole day. To use social network in a good way, for good deeds, or in a bad way for meaningless and useless things, we choose.  

Padahal, jika semua orang bijak dalam menggunakan Facebook, ia malah bisa mencipta keharmonian dan kesatuan yang utuh dalam masyarakat. Ya..,dengan menyebarkan cinta bukan benci, sebarkan kebaikan, bukan cacian. Mencipta silaturrahim, bukan seteru. Tapi ini semua agak mustahil, kan? Kerana hati manusia ni tidak akan berubah hanya dengan kata-kata atau tulisan seperti ini.  

Dari perspektif perjuangan islamnya, facebook atau laman sosial yang lainnya bukanlah satu perkara yang membawa kepada kesia-siaan semata-mata. Siapa jangka suatu masa nanti ia menjadi satu medium penting dalam perjuangan mempertahankan kadaulatan islam, seperti yang saya kata tadi, laman sosial ni, terutamanya facebook sudah mulai menjadi 'centre of people's lives'. Bukankah  kekuatan islam yang mampu menguasai 2/3 dunia suatu ketika dulu bukan terletak pada kekuatan tenteranya atau ketajaman mata pedangnya, tetapi pada iman. Ya, cinta dan taqwanya kepada Allah, kasihnya kepada Rasulullah, dan sayangnya kepada agama islam itu sendiri., diadun  menjadi makna hidup kita. Kata King Louis IX, umat islam tidak dapat dijatuhkan dengan material semata-mata, tetapi dengan menjauhkan mereka dari islam itu sendiri. Dan ya, seperti yang terbukti dengan fenomena hari ini, hedonism atau hiburan adalah sata cara yang begitu efektif, bukan?
Tanpa sedar, kita terpedaya..diperdaya...

Banyak yang boleh kita sampaikan dan dapat di facebook selain hiburan. Tak mustahil ia boleh dijadikan medium untuk sekurang-kurangnya mengingatkan diri dan saudara-saudara kita tentang tujuan hidup dan maknanya kita sebagai seorang muslim.

#memang kena ke batang hidung sendiri...

03 December 2013

Misc 3: Shu's Returns

"Mat, Stylissimo!" Jerit Shu.

Stylissimo DJ Illegal mulai bergema di ruang legar pavilion kampung itu. Shu bergerak dengan aksi Moonwalk ke tengah bulatan sambil diiringi sorak dan tepukan tangan The Bored  B-Boys, 3B (Read as triple B). Gerak tari diteruskan dengan Arm Wave lalu berpeluk tubuh. Ikut irama muzik, Shu mulai bergerak seperti robot, kemudian rebah ke depan lalu memulakan gerak rancak mengikut muzik yang mulai rancak dengan Baby Spin, Jackhammers, Floating Gremlin Spin lalu bangun dengan Up Rocking. Muzik masih bergema. Remaja-remaja kampung lain semakin ramai memeriahkan lagi suasana.

"Lutfi, nah." Pian membaling botol air mineral kepadanya.
"Thanks." Air diteguk lalu dibaling semula ke arah pian.

Shu meneruskan breakdance nya dengan menongkatkan badannya dengan kedua belah tangan, sebelah tangan diangkat lantas melakukan Hands Hop sebanyak 3 kali diteruskan dengan Air Flares. Muzik hampir tamat. Shu lantas melakukan Floor Rocking dan menamatkan breakdance nya sekali lagi dengan Up Rocking. Muzik dan persembahannya yang tamat disambut dengan tepukan gemuruh remaja-remaja kampung yang menonton sejak tadi. Shu bergerak ke tepi lalu duduk di lantai sambil menyandarkan diri ke dinding.

Pian dan Mat bergerak ke arahnya. 
"Gila kau hari ni. Apasal? Over agrresive semacam ku tengok." Tegur pian sambil menghulurkan air.
"Saja...once in a while." Jawabnya sambil tersenyum. Mereka bertiga terus duduk di tepi sungai berborak sehingga senja, seperti kebiasaannya.

Itu kali terakhir dia lepak dengan kawan-kawan baiknya itu. Kali terakhir dia menghayati suasana matahari terbenam dari pavillion kampungnya itu. Mungkin juga kali terakhir dia breakdancing. Muhamad Lutfi a.k.a Shu Bin Lim Abdullah will take a break from breakdancing, huh? Sorry, guys.. Bisik hatinya sambil memandang kedua rakannya yang berada di kiri dan kanannya. 

Qaisara Nadia...Let's meet up soon..