
10 July 2012

Nocebo vs Placebo = Expectation & Perception

Nocebo Effect------------Placebo Effect

These two things shows the relationship between mind and health. The power of Human Mind. How people can actually feels sick when they are actually not, and becomes healthy though they are sick. The keys are...their PERCEPTION and EXPECTATION.

For example, one can be cured by distilled water or sugar water because they have prior expectation or perception that the drink can definitely cure them. And one can be sick just because they think that they're sick. I'm not an expert, so i can't elaborate more on this..As a believer, i believe that it happen because of Allah. That should be the best explanation.



They can sometime be convincing. They are moments when I try to find hope using perception and see what's interesting in my current life. I can't really describe the meaning. Maybe i can describe it as my life is 'paused' though the time keep running. I once have a dream, have something that i want to be or achieve in my life, but the dream keep fading away, and now i can't really see what i expect in the future. No more makes me feel exhausted.The exhaustion that make me afraid to open my eyes and see another day of losing to the reality. That dream...though i can't see any shadows left, it's still hurtful to forget. I'm aware that i need to live my life to the fullest in the present, and i'm doing my best to do so. As for now, i wish i can find something interesting in my study life.

However, I'm glad that i found something certain in my life years before, and with that 'certain' thing, i really want to enjoy every seconds in my life. For that, i need aspiration, as well as inspiration. Coz without inspiration, there's no meaning of the aspiration. 

Once again, as a believer, i believe that everything happen with reasons. And it lead me to reflect upon my every actions. REFLECTION...go for it. But, i don't know why, every time i reflect on myself, i always end up feel regret and frustrated. Maybe i should 'repair' my iman and increase the quality of redha in myself..

BE GRATEFUL FOR EVERY GOOD THINGS, AND REGRETFUL FOR EVERY BAD THINGS...look for the space of improvement and space for transformation...HAVE FAITH!

^_^  it has been a while...

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