
03 September 2012

The 11th hour

Strange things happen when people are put in situations out of their control, follow Ahmed's trail of religious maturity when he stumbles upon 3 of the oddest roommates you'll find. Ahmed (Abe Saleh) is having problems beyond his control, good fortune rarely finds him. When he is assigned to his dorm during his second year of college he discovers his worst nightmares: A geeky MSA activist, an angry extremist and a wacky immigrant. His abhorrence for these characters makes him more aware of what is going on a round him. What Ahmed ends up realizing is that through these three odd characters he learns a lesson that has escaped him many times before: those who decide to change at the twelfth hour may not make it to that point. Ahmed realizes that his present life is stuck in neutral and he is looking for is a simple break.

By Sami Haque

Title: 11th Hour
producer: Sami Haque, Hasan Shaikh
Type: Comedy/drama, 24mins
Director: Ross Heran
Language: English

I watch this after reading 'Contengan Jalanan' by Hlovate

Sebelum ni dah ada beberapa post tentang 'Perubahan'@'Change'..Jadi, kali ni i'm not going to write too much.

'Xpa, masih mudak, enjoy lok puas2, lak dah tua tobat..' (this is one of the example of the man that decides to change on the 12th hour..'

Dengan siraman nikmat dunia, manusia sering lupa bahawa hidup di dunia ni hanya sementara..(ayat skema). That's it. Seolah-olah kita boleh expect bila kita akan mati. Lupa dari mana asal, lupa akan destinasi terakhir, sedangkan yang kita lupa tu la asal kita dan tempat kita kembali. ALLAH S.W.T..Kerana kita percaya bahawa kita sentiasa akan ada peluang untuk bertaubat, jadi kita memutuskan untuk menangguh-nangguhkannya,lalu kita lupa..lalai..terus terleka...Hidup di dunia ni kejap je. Mati kita Allah yang tentukan. Anytime, anywhere, or for whatever reason (the absolute reason is that the time has come for us to return to our 'hometown'), death is absolute. So, let's decide to change on the 10th hour~

Ingat ikrar kita,

اِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي ِﷲِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku dan matiku hanyalah kerana Allah, Tuhan seluruh alam.

Think about it...

Allah lebih Mengetahui.

Peace! ^_^


  1. assalamualaikum ila...jom gi sabah :)

    hehe...inshaAllah akak bakal bernikah 9/9/12 ni...inshaAllah...doakan akak ye :D

    1. muntakhab's a good book to read..

    2. yep...klu baca sungguh2...doa dalam hati supaya Allah bagi faham, boleh bercucuran air mata tanpa d paksa..huhu very nice one..huhu~

      ila..ehem, akak dah mengandung alhamdulillah...its 1 month plus now..alhamdulillah..doakan akak ya :)


Terima Kasih atas pandangan dan kritikan anda. :-)