
02 January 2012

Sekadar pandangan peribadi

I'm not being patriotic, but i simply do not fully agree with what's happening there. And i'm just a person with perception toward things..

I hate corruption, and i hate violence. I know they're just using their right, but they might have forgotten others right to live peacefully..and they might have forgotten that their right can never win against authority power especially if they're using violence. If they negotiated peacefully, that's way better...coz most of people perceive people by observing their action...if their action is seen as bad, they'll be perceived as unreasonable people, and at the end, they'll just be ignored...that's just my opinion though. 

I really hate corruption, and seeing what had happened make me feel worst, as if terrorism started to begin. Scary, don't you think so? Do you think people who always try to prevent violence to occur will support people who are using violence? If this happen, in the future, people will continue using violence to solve their  problem and propose their demand.

There's room for negotiation, wasn't there? Generally, negotiation will make other party to think that they're reasonable, rational, honest and sincere with their demand. Does impudence and rudeness are the only way to show that you are being earnest with your demand? I don't think so. Collecting information, providing arguments and reason, and using intellectual speaks and negotiation are most preferable in this era. Coz that's the best way to convince and satisfy other party. Make them believe and confident in what you propose. How can they believe in people that use violence to get what they want? U're just make them feel insecure with your demand..The feeling of insecurity believed to cause insecurity..,people generally perceived it that way..

Oleh kerana zaman sekarang ni golongan bijak pandai dipandang tinggi dan diberi kepercayaan, bukankah lebih meyakinkan jika menggunakan intelektualiti bagi mempengaruhi mentaliti? Dan harus diberi perhatian, untuk melaksanakan suatu sistem atau perkara baru, ia mengambil masa kerana memerlukan perdebatan dan pendapat dari semua pihak yang berkenaan. Sokongan setengah orang sahaja tidak relevan bagi memulakan sesuatu perlaksanaan kerana kita hidup dalam satu komuniti. Berilah masa, bertindak secara dewasa..

Saya keliru dengan apa yang mereka inginkan. Kata putus telah diumumkan selari dengan permintaan, tetapi dikatakan pula sebagai propaganda. Bukankah itu menunjukkan bahawa ia sedang dalam proses perlaksanaan? Ada kalanya kita perlu keluar dari pemikiran yang dipengaruhi ketidaksetujuan kita terhadap keseluruhan sistem. Mahu apa tidak sebenarnya?

Saya menyokong apa yg mereka mahukan, tp cara mereka menakutkan saya. Apatah lagi tindakan yang bertambah x baik dengan melakukan vandalisme ke atas sebuah tempat yang tidak bersalah. Ia menakutkan bagi saya, seriously. Saya juga ingin hidup di bawah naugan islam, bukan di bawah 'negara islam' yg tidak mnjalankan undang2 islam sepenuhnya. 

Don't just believe in preconception, avoid misperception~peace!

*sekadar pandangan peribadi bukan untuk mempengaruhi...

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